Schools and Programs
Schools and Programs at Roy J. Wasson Academic Campus
Achieve Online is an online educational school giving students from middle through high school a free online curriculum specifically designed to provide them with skills relevant to the 21st century.
Adult and Family Education Program is multifaceted, consisting of morning and evening classes for students aged 17 and older in: English as a Second Language (ESL), Adult Basic Education (ABE), Adult Secondary Education (ASE), College and Career Prep, and Family Literacy.
The Bijou School is an alternative education campus serving 9th -12th grades with small classes, credits earned quarterly, co-labs to provide opportunities for students to recover credits , and mastery learning.
Career and Technical Education (CTE) in District 11 is a comprehensive program that connects students, grades 6-12, to work-based learning opportunities and a career-centered curriculum. Currently, CTE has over 63 programs at all middle and high schools. All CTE programs in D11 are state-approved and part of the Community College of Colorado System. Programs vary by school but are accessible from 6-8 grades at the middle school level, and 9-12 grades at the high school level.
The Digital High School is a District 11 credit recovery program serving El Paso County students ages 16 - 20, offering 58 different courses in an individualized learning environment with the potential to earn up to 20 credits per school year.
The Extended Learning Program employs an online distance learning model. This home-based education system is only for students within District 11 who have been referred by the Office of Student Support and Engagement.
Odyssey Early College and Career Options is designed for students to earn both a high school diploma and an Associate's degree or up to two years of college credit toward a Bachelor's degree.
Students receiving special education services are able to access 18-21 (Transition) services through their school district. Students must have met minimum requirements for graduation and have ongoing transition needs identified in their IEPs. Students may participate in a ‘social graduation’ but cannot accept their high school diploma to receive transition services.