ScheduleFM Frequently Asked Questions
NOTE: D11 Employees - you must sign in with your district email address and password before filling out request form.
If you are not a D11 employee and have an inquiry about renting space, please contact the D11 Rentals Manager at (719) 520-2333.
Where do I go to request a room/how do I request a room?
CLICK HERE for information and instructions.
I used to be able to request space/check availability in person and over the phone. Why do I have to go online to do it now?
We needed an efficient, streamlined process that everyone could easily follow. Phone call and in-person requests were causing duplicate reservations and many other problematic issues. Now we are able to follow a written trail for everything related to reservation requests, including questions and changes. Since the online system has been in place, duplicate reservations have been eliminated and everything runs much smoother for everyone.
Why do I have to email any changes to my reservations?
We need a written record for all changes to reservations.
Why do I have to email any questions I have about my reservations?
We need a written record for everything pertaining to your reservation.
Who do I email with questions or changes?
I am not a D11 employee but would like to inquire about using space at your campus. What should I do?
Please contact the D11 Rentals Manager at (719) 520-2333.
Questions about rooms with special requirements:
I would like to use one of the gyms but I know the P.E. teachers use them. What should I do?
You must check with each of the P.E. Teachers and get their "ok" before submitting request form.
I would like to use the cafeteria. What should I do?
You must check with the Cafeteria Manager and get his/her "ok" before submitting request form.
I need to use either the Band (Flex) Room, Black Box, or Dance Room. What should I do?
You must check with THE BIJOU SCHOOL and get their "ok" before submitting request form, as they use these rooms for classes during the entire school year.
***NOTE: We do our very best to accommodate your needs. Please help us by following the online system that is in place so that everything runs smoothly for everyone. Thank you.***